Hello guyz..At this time we was having the production of the POND's couple necklace.
Like that in the Ponds advertisement.
This model was unique, because of having the magnet around the liontin.
So the liontin will clung if being brought closer by each other.
The material from stainless steel, so the colour durable, the origin should not be hit by parfume.
The price only 110rb, Already including two chains, two liontin, and the pretty box.
And FREE shipping cost for JAKARTA.. Ready Stock..
So be waiting for anything else ??? As soon as possible ordered !!! Waited for by your ordering.. ^^
Thanks guyZ ^o^
Aloo guyZ, ini lg ada produksi kalung POND's couple..
Modelnya kyk yg ada di iklan POND's itu lho ^^
Modelnya unik banget, 'cOz ditengah2 liontinny ada magnetnya..
Jadi liontinnya nempel pas dideketin..
Bahanny dr stainless steel, jadi warna nya tahan lamaaaa, asal jangan kena parfum.
Harganya 110rb, uda termasuk: 2rante+2liontin+kotak cantikny ^^
'en juga GRATIS ongkos kirim bwt daerah di JAKARTA.. Ready stock..
So, tunggu apa lagi.. buruan pesenn yoo.. Ditunggu pemesananny ^^
Thanks guyZ ^o^