Monday, May 19, 2008

Gothic Couple T-Shirt

Want to unified and exciting with your couple?
Hurry to buy this GOTHIC theme couple T-shirt to show your love to your couple..
Please take a look for the models.. just for Rp.120.000,-/couple..

Mau KomPak 'en seRu2aN baRenG paSanGan kaMu???
Buruan BeLi kaOs CoupLe dgn tema GOTHIC iNi
unTuk menGunGkapkan raSa saYanG kaMu ke paSangAn kaMu..
SilaHkan dipiLih mOdeLnya^^
haRga 120ribu sepasang..

Come 'eN sEe, tHen bUy it...

Come 'eN sEe, tHen bUy it...

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