Monday, October 13, 2008

^^ Couple KeyChain ^^

Couple Key Chain is comingg !!
Show that special someone in your life that they truly hold the key to your heart when you choose our romantic key, keychain gift set..
Perfect gift for your spouse, partner, or as a present for a special couple..
Create a truly memorable present that will always be cherished by your recipient ^^
Price => Rp. 55.000
Quick grab it !!! ^^

Type rest of the post here


Anonymous said...

Hi 'lam kenal. g pesen yg gambar angel yah gantungan kuncinya. thx b4.

Anonymous said...

emm, g suka ama gantungan kuncinya niy.. tp ada wrn lain gitu ga, kyk misal pink, ijo, ato yg lain? g suka yg gambar angel.

Anonymous said...

Hi juga Okky.. OK, barang on the way dikirim ke alamat pengiriman kamu yah.. Skalian dilihat2 lagi pernak pernik couplenya ^^

Anonymous said...

Hi Puput.. Gantungan kunci yang diproduksi itu 2 model aja, warnyanya silver.. Kl warna warni gitu, bukannya kayak mainan yah hehehe.. Tp nanti kl produksi yg warna warni, aku contact Puput deh.. Mungkin bisa diliat barang2 yg lainya yah Put ^^